Recruitment of participants CONSISTENT FX PROFITS System

Discussion in 'Video courses, webinars, training material' started by GOODMEN, 18 June 2020.

Recruitment of participants
159.00 USD
1 of 15
Settlement fee for participation:
11 USD
  • Participants of Joint purchase:
    1. satya;
    Reserve list:
    1. (anonym)
    2. blix, 3. (anonym)

    GOODMEN Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    21 April 2019
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    Content: Complete Course – 8 Modules with Video’s and Pdf-s

    • 100% Mechanical
    • 100% Rule based
    • 100% Pure Price Action / No Indicators
    • 70% Proven Winn Rate!
    • Learn how to Full-Time trade, only spending 1 hr a day in front of your computer.
    • Be up and running quickly!
    Bud’s comment: I rarely say this, but it’s actually very good.

    Vendor’s description:

    Trading doesn’t have to be so hard…

    It’s true, Forex is one of the world’s most volatile financial markets and trading involves massive risk.

    It’s true, many traders:

    Lose money
    Let self doubt sink in
    Sabotage their own success

    …and then eventually give in to their fears and give up before they experience success.

    BUT, it’s also true that some traders have managed to figure it out, make unbelievable profits, and win consistently over time – WITHOUT breaking the bank and definitely WITHOUT spending all day in front of their charts.
    Would you like to know how?

    The truth about Forex trading

    What if I told you there was a simple way to win more trades than you lose, avoid expensive mistakes, and cut your technical analysis time in half?

    Without requiring years of experience…
    Without requiring expensive charting software or confusing indicators…
    …and definitely without relying on overpriced robots or signal services that don’t get results.
    The truth is, you don’t need any of that stuff. That’s what most of those experts will never tell you.
    Winning consistently isn’t even all that hard when you are making smart trades and protecting your hard-earned money with proper risk management. If you stick to the RIGHT trade plan, it becomes all about flawless execution.

    Want to start trading like a pro today? You need to see this:
    Consistent FX Profits Online
    “CFXP Online” is a revolutionary, new Forex-success system designed to help any Forex trader become consistently profitable. This A-Z program will show you step-by-step how to win over 70% of your trades, regardless of your experience or current market conditions.

    It includes:

    On-demand Forex training: whether you’re brand new or experienced, these bite-sized yet powerful training videos will teach you everything you need to know about trading, money management, and chart analysis in less than 8 hours of video content (less than a day!)
    Consistent FX success toolkit: want to eliminate the guesswork? Use my proven yet simple trade plan, trade journal, performance metrics tracker, interactive templates, and more to drastically reduce your learning curve and risk overnight.

    Imagine this…

    What if you could learn EVERYTHING you needed to know about Forex and a specific trading strategy in ONE program? What if a single program taught you how to qualify, enter, exit, and manage your trades?
    What if you could transform your expensive Forex hobby into a consistently profitable, “lifestyle-friendly” business that could replace your 8-5?
    What if instead of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and confused about Forex you felt confident, relaxed, and excited about every trade?
    How will you feel when you look at your consistently growing trading account knowing you are finally making money?!
    What if you could prove to everyone that ever doubted you that they were WRONG once and for all? (What if you could prove this to yourself?)
    How will you feel when you are connected to a community of like-minded traders? Sharing wins, losses, and opportunities in the market… how will you feel when you realize you’re not alone anymore with trading?
    What if you had ALL the tools you needed to learn how to generate consistent profits from Forex using minimal time and effort each day?

    Good news! You don’t have to imagine anymore. You just discovered the fast track to Forex trading success you have been searching for. Are you ready to join CFXP?

    “Trader’s Edge” Online Forex Trading Course
    Time is money. These eight modules of no-fluff videos will have you thinking and trading like an pro from day one. They alone could be the difference between losing all the money in your trading account versus making safe yet profitable trades. Plus, you start trading at the halfway point, so you don’t even have to finish the entire course before you can begin trading! Last, but not least, each module is accompanied by an informative workbook where you can take notes and complete practice exercises while you’re learning. The modules include:

    Module 1: Restore Your Mind – I set you up for success by getting your mindset in the right place to begin a new trading strategy!
    Module 2: Strengthen Your Knowledge – I review the basics of Forex, brokers, chart settings, terminology and more!
    Module 3: Formulate Your Plan – I go into detail about the core components of technical analysis used with my trading approach!
    Module 4: Implement Your Plan – I teach you the exact trade plan I use generate over 70% win rates: how I qualify, enter, and exit trades!
    Module 5: Optimize Your Execution – I provide you with a customized tool and additional strategies to manage and optimize your execution!
    Module 6: Enhance Your Skills – I advance your skills by going deeper into price action analysis and expanding your chart-reading abilities!
    Module 7: Multiply Your Results – I guide you in creating your personal, performance-based scaling model and explaining many ways to scale your profits!
    Module 8: Launch Your Independence – I equip you with additional ways to maintain a resilient mind, create your protection plan, and sustain your success!

    Original websites:

    GOODMEN Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    21 April 2019
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