Recruitment of participants Algo Traders Program - Algo Trading in Kotak Neo Platform

Discussion in 'Video courses, trainings, educational material' started by Dron, 12 June 2024.

Recruitment of participants
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  1. Dron

    Dron Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Organizer

    14 September 2019
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    Algo Traders Program - Algo Trading in Kotak Neo Platform


    Learn to build your own trading bot in Kotak Neo Platform



    Learn to build your own trading bot and automate your trades with complete end-to-end automation. At the end of the Course, you will learn to create an algo trading bot, which will learn to build an algo trading bot in the kotak neo platform.
    "Algo Traders Program - Learn the Art of Zero Touch Trading" - course is a prerequisite for taking up this course.
    If you take up with course without taking up the prerequisite course, you won't be able to understand this course properly and will have issues with setting up your bot as well.

    With Bots created by this course, you can,

    • Save Time: You don’t even have to look at the trading window. Whether you are there or not, Bots will do its job. So it will continue to do its work regardless of whether you have “Time” for trading or not. Once in a while few minutes of maintenance work is enough to keep it up and running.
    • Build Discipline: Bots follow the discipline as they are robots without any thinking power. They will just follow their code and stick to their rules unlike humans who can easily break their own rules while trading.
    • Get Full Control: Unlike humans, Bots won’t lose control of their trades and do revenge trading or over trading. They will always have full control over their trades 24/7/365.

    • Won't need Emotional Strength: As a human, our emotions can easily take away our rational thinking and this is especially true when it comes to making/losing money. That’s why, traders generally square off the winning position early due to fear of it turning into loss and let losing trades run with the hope that it will turn positive or come back to break even. Bots don’t have any emotion at all, they will square off as and when the rules suggest so regardless of whether the trade is in profit/loss. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Who this course is for:
    Traders who wants to learn to create automated algo trading bot in Kotak Neo Platform